Become SGK sponsor

SGK would like to get people with intellectual or other disabilities into sports. However, we can not do this alone. 

SGK organizes the sports, supports the athletes and arranges necessary facilities. The immediate social environment, such as family and friends, residential and work institutions and schools, play an important role in stimulating and activating the target group. But the municipality, business community, funds, the media and sports associations are also part of the social environment and can contribute to the "exercise" of the target group. 

Do you want to become a supporter? Contact Sandra van Koningsbrugge ( or +3170 3250005)
Sponsor aanvraag
Adres: Wijndaelerduin 27, 2554 BX, Den Haag
Telefoon: 070-3250005
ING:                 NL 54 INGB 0000154636
Rabobank: NL 07 RABO 0139206957
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