
Soccer is very popular in The Netherlands. This sport can be adjusted to the capabilities of the individual player. Soccer can be played recreational with two people, but players can also participate in competition.

The skill level of de players has a wide variety, from beginners to advanced. All our sections are part of regular soccer associations.

Beside the soccer itself, attention is given to the psychosocial skills of the players. This happens one on one or within small groups where needed.

PGS Vogel and SEV offer the possibility to participate in competion on Saturdays (G-competition). 

For who?
Competitive sporters PGS vogel from 15 years and older
Competitive sporters SEV from 8 years and older

When and where?
Monday from 19.00-20.30
PGS Vogel, Wijndaelerweg 9, 2554 BZ, The Hague

Wednesday from 18.00 –19.30 
Sportpark Kastelenring, Sportparkweg 4, 2263 SX, Leidschendam

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Telefoon: 070-3250005
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